Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just the need to write my thoughts.....

Exactly that, I just need to write my thoughts. I can be extremely internal at times like this wondering in my head and searching for answers that I probably will never have this side of heaven. I know in my heart that God is gracious and wondrous and good, but at times like this I find myself wondering about His plans and asking to see the big picture of this lifetime. Today, a young mother from our church was killed in an auto accident leaving behind three precious boys, one of which is only a month old. My very human heart and head and my spiritual heart and head are in battle over this internally. I know that God has a plan and that there is a purpose to everything under heaven, however, I can't even begin to fathom why this would happen to three innocent children. 

As I listen to the rain falling outside, I have this image of God crying from heaven as the pain that this family is feeling this evening must be all but unbearable. I pray that this family feels the arms of God as a comfort around them and that through all this that He would make Himself and His presence known to all that are involved either from inside the family or us as outsiders watching things from a distance. 
I could never even guess what this family is feeling. The pain I feel for them is horrible and I can only cling tonight to God's promises and claim them.
As a very close and important man in my life recently has said:
God is good even when he is mysterious.
Hugs and prayers~


Margo said...

wow...seriously, one of my worst nightmares, that either me or Mike will die and the boys will be left w/out one of us...or that we both will die and leave the boys. Oh friend, I can totally understand your struggle human versus spiritual struggle. I will be praying for this family as well as you and your church...looks like you have some mighty ministering ahead of you. wow...crying and I don't even know them...

KRoderick said...

Pray for strength for all involved

Samantha said...

This is such a sad story. I will keep this poor family in my prayers as well. My heart goes out to those poor kids, if we have trouble understanding God's plan I can't even imagine what they are going through. HUGS to you!!!