Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekly weigh in....

Ok, so this little cartoon made me laugh in great proportions and I HAD to share it with all of you!  Makes sense to us all now, doesn't it?!?!?!  Laughter is good for the soul and it actually burns calories so you should make sure to do it as often as you can (:
Week 3 is gone and now we are on to week 4! I can't believe it has almost been a full month since we started our healthy journey in our family and we really are getting to the point of  not really missing some of the old treats we used to enjoy regularly. The kids have been such troopers through the changes and very encouraging to me! I just love them! Now, for my big news though {{ drum role please}} I met and passed my first goal, I lost the first 10 lbs!!!!!  Actually my total loss to date this morning, stripped naked on the scale was a total loss of 12 lbs!! Woot!!! I am so psyched and on top of the world. Again, though, the thing that I am loving the most besides all the compliments that I have started getting (thank you friends and family for knowing how to encourage me) is the energy level that I have. I just am ready to go all the time and I love it!! I really love having the energy to really sing, dance and praise God with the kids on Sunday morning, man, we rip it up in there lately!!! Exactly what I asked God for when I started this journey was to make my body, His Temple, healthy and energetic for His purposes!! 
One more week to go, hopefully my goal for the month will be met. If not, I am oh so excited with what has happened so far and thrilled that we as a family are making the best choices of fuel, not food, that we possibly can!
Hugs from a smaller me!!


KRoderick said...

YOU GO GIRL! Love you...its great to see the kids at the games eating those pea pods...gotta love it.

The Johnson Punkin Patch~ said...

Thanks Kel!!You're the best and always so encouraging! I love you!!

Samantha said...

great job!!! You looked so beautiful when I saw you! and I love going grocery shopping and coming up with healthy recipe. When I get home we will have to start making a few work out days, to go to the Colby Track or for swims!!! Keep up the great work!

Devon Redman said...

Doing a happy dance over here for you!!!