Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Favorite Five...

Happy Friday to you!

A blogging friend of mine, says that she stops every Friday morning to sum up some of the blessings in her life and lists five of them as her favorites. This helps her remember to be thankful for the little things in her life and when she has a bad day between Fridays, she looks back at her blog and gets an instant reminder and pick-me-up! I liked the idea so much, I thought I would do the same thing so.....
  • My down comforter on my bed... so inviting at night after a long day and so soft and cloud like to look at durning the day!
  • Little boys who take great pleasure in being kind to one another. Not just for the sake of the kindness jar (although that helps) but because they love to come tell me that they are being kind to each other.
  • A teen girl that loves with all her heart. She can have a tough exterior but when she loves she gives it all.
  • A preteen boy that still loves to cuddle up next to mom and kiss her good night.
  • sugar free jello with whipping cream.... yum only 25 calories too! Can't beat that when you are watching what you put into your mouth and counting calories :)


KRoderick said...

1) an amazing daughter to works hard and take time to tell her mom she love her
2) dear Freinds who are always ready with a kind word
3) playing ball with my dog who would play for hours...great time to unwind
4)a husband who loves me beyond words
5)a great job

Devon Redman said...

Oh..great idea...k, officially stealing it.

Devon Redman said...

Sugar free jello sounds really good right now!!!