Over the past two months we have had so many exciting events happening that we have had a hard time keeping up with it all! God is good and has shown Himself to us....
Our neice Kaylee Jean Valcourt joined our family on 5/1/08! I was able to be there to witness her arrival into the world and was so blessed to be a part of this miracle from God!
Our nephew Nic Lee graduated from Lawrence High School on 6/6/08 ! We are so proud of him. He is headed for college in Chicago in the fall.
On May 26, 2008 I officially joined the staff at our church, Faith Evangelical Free Church. I have been asked to become the new Children's Ministry Director when the current director moves away to the mission field of Africa. Please pray for me as I adjust to this new adventure in my life. I am so excited that God has provided me with a job that will allow me to work with children and reaching them for His Kingdom! God is good!
So, as you can see, there has been a lot going on but really great and exciting things. Summer is here and we will be super busy with mission trips, Vacation Bible School, a family vacation and more. Check back for pictures and little updates along the way! And keep us in your prayers!
It has been a very busy month. We are all so blessed. I am so happy to be part of such a beautiful family. You are going to do such a great job in Children's Ministry, I am so happy for you. We all love baby Kaylee so much, she is so beautiful, and is growing so fast!!
love you!!!
Hey I connected with you sometime back and we haven't chatted in awhile. I am on a friend on My Space I too have been blogging here and I am so happy to find another mom here. I have some other moms that I am friends and family with hope to keep in touch better and much more often HAPPY BLOGGING!!
I have a question for you, I went to Pyzam and got a cute layout for my b log. But when I did it I lost all of my widgets and had toredo it. How do I keep that from happening in the future?
Hope all is well with you....
You haven't blogged in awhile I have missed hearing from you hope all is well
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