Monday, October 25, 2010

Slow and Steady.....

Wednesday will be the end of my 31 day challenge to myself. I just couldn't wait until then to share some of the things I have been able to shed with you, my friends, my faithful readers!

The first thing I learned is be careful what you ask God to do in your life :) I mean this in a good way, but I need to tell you that when you ask God to show you something or to do something in your life, watch out for what comes your way! While most of this month has been really great things, some of the things God has shown me have been down right painful and I have had to do some much needed house cleaning and weeding, if you know what I mean ;) The funny thing is that when I started this little part of the journey (I'll write more on this later), part of my prayer time I was asking God to change others, to work on their hearts and attitudes toward me and how they treat me and my family. Why do I think that is funny? Because it really was me that God ended up working on... my heart, my attitude, my relationships. I have heard others say this before, but I really got to experience it first hand. Once I started focusing on Him and listening to what He was trying to tell me through His word, other people, blogs, sermons, etc... how very clear all my own sin and issues are becoming. Not that I ever have felt perfect or even deserving, but I also realized that I let people determine my worth and my value and I am now more aware that only can come for the One who loves me so perfectly! What also is happening is that by allowing my masks to fall, I have opened up new relationships and accountability partners that have come along side me and these have started new and exciting times and adventures for me, God is so good!

I wanted to start some kind of movement and exercise during these 31 days and challenged myself to do SOMETHING 30 minutes each day. I was pretty successful at this and made it most days with a couple of exceptions. All in all, happy with the start and looking into and forward to new endeavors :) I am not one who enjoys sweat or exercise but I am one to enjoy a fun time and playing with my boys. I also started a Zumba class and really LOVE it! It kicks my butt but I feel so good afterwards and noticed a difference after the first two classes :D I am excited to start some new strength training in the next week or so along with some harder cardio to get my heart pumping even more! Exercise does make me feel better :)

Last but not least, because it is actually the part of this 31 day shed that started it all was the weight.... I gave myself 31 days to lose 10lbs as my first goal. Last week, 10 days before I had marked on my calendar, I weighed in at 10lbs and 1 oz lighter than I was on Sept 27 when this all began! God is so cool, He gave me that 1 extra oz as a bonus and believe me I am counting it :)! I have more goals in my journal and in my mind and I will share them with you all from time to time. Not only is my physical weight lighter but with it is going some emotional weight and that feels so very good :)

Please continue to pray for me. This is a tricky and hard time for me... usually I get confident and comfortable and then I fall... instead of my dependence on Him, I get confident on my own and start slacking on my complete dependence on Him as I am right now. And I am committed to praying for you my friends! I don't know all that God is doing in your life, but I do know it is something. He tells us in Philippians 1:6 "He who began a good work in you is faithful to bring it to completion". Claim it and own it, He loves us too much to leave us like we are!
