Thursday, February 25, 2010

Simply thankful....

This morning while sitting and having my tea, Colby walks by me and announces to his daddy and I that his heart is so thankful this morning. I looked at him and said, "Why baby?" Thinking he must be talking about the $3.00 the "tooth fairy" left him last night... Oh no, he says, "For my family, and my friends, for my comfort, and for God creating me." {{Insert beaming, teary-eyed mommy here}}
Thank you Lord, for a quick reminder to be grateful for the things in life we so easily take for granted!


Unknown said...

Thank you, Colby, for the reminder to be thankful.
I do have a lot to be thankful for. Lord, help me to focus more on the "good stuff" and not so much on the "bad stuff". Love you!

Samantha said...

oh that child. I love him so much!! He is such a sweet heart!